Grocery Store Wars Join the Organic Rebellion
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This is hilarious. I like organic food and would eat more of it if the cost weren’t so high. Perhaps there’s more at stake than I thought, LOL. Grocery Store Wars | Join the Organic Rebellion
Skype – The Future Looks Promising
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John, Paul and I tested Skype yesterday and the sound quality is amazing. It felt like we were in the same room. The system allows you to call a land line for 1.7 Euro cents a minute or about 2 US cents per minute, anywhere in Europe, Canada, the USA, etc. Calling Mexico is only 8 Euro cents.
Calling another Skype user doesn’t cost anything. Neither does a 5 way conference call. This company is going to change the way the world works. As this catches on, I can see the proliferation of broadband and high speed Internet. After all, you can justify it. It’s what your long distance bill used to be when you had to pay it. I love it. The best part, how can you tax something that’s free? LOL.
Go Skype!
Tim Sander’s is onto something important
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Although Love Is the Killer App focuses on building one’s career, I think it teaches a principle similar to one Paul tries to teach the Corinthians in the New Testament:
24 Let no man seek his own, but every man another’s wealth.
Of course, Paul is speaking of things of a person’s salvation rather than their career:
33 Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved.
However, I think the two are closely interrelated.
The Most Influential and Impactful People I’ve Met Live This Principle
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The principle is in the article that is on love and I found it on Paul Allen’s blog:
Certain People have personified this for me and I’m sure there are more:
My wife, who truly loves others more than herself.
My Mother, who loved our family enough to go through so much for us.
Alan Fluckiger, American Heritage Academy, who helped me realize my inborn love for learning again.
Dr. Edward Green, General Manager at Family Literacy Centers, Inc., who taught me the power of raising others rather than ourselves.
Dllon Inouye, Professor at BYU, who taught me the power of relationships and excellence.
Paul Merrill, Professor at BYU, Professor at BYU, who cared more for student success than his own.
Paul Allen, Internet Entreprenuer, Infobase Ventures, LLC, who openned my eyes to the goodness in business.
John Jonas, Internet Entreprenuer, Programmer and Friend, Search Engine Marketing Expert, who isn’t afraid to make mistakes and sets an example for me of a love for learning as well as always being there for FamilyLearn.
Jason Johnson, CPA, Entreprenuer, Mentor and Friend, FamilyLearn Vice President, who has risked so much for a love for FamilyLearn with me–mission driven.
“You have to honor failure because failure is just the negative space around success.”
-Randy Nelson, Pixar Animation Studios
Another Neal’s Blog?
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Wow, I found another Neal with a blog. His name is the same as mine. I guess I’m not the first. Good for him.
A Place to Put Ideas
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So often I have fleeting ideas that come and go and then are gone for good. I foresee this as a place I can record those ideas as I have them. Then I can find them again, wherever I have a connection to the web.
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