Lost A Year of My Blog
Filed Under Technology
Well, about two weeks ago, I lost about a year of my blog. I wanted to scream because there were tons of entries I want to reference in the future during that year. Fortunately, I recoved the content using the search engine cache from MSN and Yahoo (Ironically, Google’s cache was the most incompletely of the three). I don’t have time to restore the content back into wordpress right now. So, until things are restored, I’ll look like I took a sabatical to new visitors. I apologize to old visitors who have referenced content during that year.
A More Perfect Union – 10 DVDs – Repopularize Constitution
Filed Under Freedom, Government, Politics, etc., General
The National Center for Constitutional Studies is offering 10 DVDs of the movie A More Perfect Union
for the price of one. They’re inviting us to purchase the movie, along
with a copy of the Constitution and share them with friends and
community. I’m for helping our nation to understand its founding and
Constitution and will definitely order some copies. I encourage
everyone else to do the same. This movie about the Constitutional
Convention is extremely well done.
Cafe Hayek: Only a third of Medical Research is accurate? What about the study here? Is it in the 1/3rd wrong or 2/3rds right category?
Phil Windley’s Technometria | Beating Senator Orin Hatch
Connie featured the iMemoryBook on KUTR – AM 820,
a sister station to KSL yesterday. The interview went quickly, but my
wife says I did well. I can say that I learned alot. It’ll open up some
new publicity possibilities.
Seths Blog Before you spend a lot of time and money on a logo
Filed Under Business Ideas, Resources, Principles, etc., Technology
Seth, a great solution is www.LogoWorks.com, which helped create a logo for D & H for $260. Not a lot of time, not a lot of money, but a professional logo.
Provo, A Great Place to Start a Business
Filed Under Business Ideas, Resources, Principles, etc., Utah Real Estate
Provo’s a great place for a startup, writes business week. I agree.
1. Go to About Google Desktop Search.
2. Try to make it back to www.google.com, the Google home page.
It drives me crazy! All Google’s sites seem to be self-contained and different. This one also sets the font size in stylesheets so that it can’t change sizes. Google prides themselves on their user experience. These two problems drive this user crazy.
gmail and www.google.com are amazing interfaces and I love them, but
try moving from one to the other seamlessly without typing another url
into your browser. It’s a pain.
Bnoopy: The long tail of software. Millions of Markets of Dozens.
Filed Under Business Ideas, Resources, Principles, etc., Search Engine Marketing
Joe has articulated how the Internet has allowed us to take a new approach to business, tapping into many small markets.
Bnoopy: The long tail of software. Millions of Markets of Dozens.
John Jonas
figured out a long time ago that more of the search engine traffic is
pointing to unique searches and that he could create ways to tap into
that traffic.
This has got me thinking how we can tap into tons of small markets with FamilyLearn.
Gizmo – Skype Competition
Filed Under General, Technology
Gizmo – A free phone for your computer
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