When John Jonas, a Search Engine Marketing guru, carefully notiiced that his google adsense pages were getting hit by Mediapartners-Google, he thought that maybe hitting your adsense pages would get google to index the pages faster. I wondered if John was onto something but a quick search for “google adsense google index” yielded a negative response. Still, I wanted to try it to see if it would work because John was claiming otherwise. Well, I’ve very carefully tested it with new pages at www.familylearn.com and the verdict is in. John, it seems, is not right. This was my test. I added a few thousand new pages of content on FamilyLearn on July 6, 2004 and then set up a script to call the pages so that they would serve adsense one time. Then I very carefully watched the logs for Googlebot. Well, Mediapartners-Google came on schedule but Googlebot didn’t follow. I figure John must be incorrect because over a week later, there are still no pages indexed that were not hit directly by the Googlebot. Also, Googlebot hasn’t showed up searching content that Mediapartners-Google hit. I could still be wrong, but my impression after this test is that Adsense doesn’t help your pages get indexed any faster. Perhap’s John’s success was Googlebot finding a bunch of his pages at the same time that he tried the Adsense test?