I talked with my brother and he told me how the first time he looked for a home, he signed with a realtor. The realtor became busy and let my brother slide and didn’t serve him very well because my brother was locked into buying from him for at least a year or two. The only way to keep the realtor working for you until the very end is by leaving your options open. Good advice from my brother.


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1 Comment so far

  1. Michelle Cornelison on June 6, 2006 12:55 pm

    Signing a contract is not a bad thing necessarily. In this case, it did turn out that way. A realtor who won’t make you sign a contract is one who is desperate for business or who is insecure in asking for one up front. The state of Utah REQUIRES this contract to be signed when an offer is presented to the seller. Protecting you, the buyer so that just any one can not just write an offer in your behalf. Eventually, you sign that contract. A realtor who is not meeting your expectations, should be dismissed by all means. After exhausting all communication efforts between yourself and the agents, discuss it with the Broker and ask for an unconditional release of the Exclusive Contract. My other advice is NEVER NEVER sign anything for longer than 3-6 month time frame. Ask for statistics for selling in your area if the contract is for listing so you know turn around time, etc. All the contracts are in place to protect the seller and the buyer and are reveiwed every year both Board of Realtors and Legal Commitees to meet all laws.

    Sadly, in Real Estate, as in any profession, not all Realtors meet everyones expectations. Doctors, Accountants, Mechanics, Waitresses, etc, fail to meet everyones needs. Definately consider that personality has a lot to do with how well you can work with a person. Real Estate is the biggest investment you make and is very time and emotionally consuming. Let a professional help you, feel comfortable asking questions, and with the answers you get. If you aren’t, move on until you are! Don’t be afraid or intimidated to keep asking or calling.
    There are Real Estate professionals out there, like myself, who love what we do and work hard to make sure everyone is pleased with every part of the transaction.

    Best wishes,
