Seth’s Blog: RSS Addict!
Filed Under Technology
I noticed Seth got stuck without bloglines for a while. I also noticed that he uses FireFox. Seth, there are some great RSS Extensions for FireFox that don’t require that you use Bloglines. I’m using WizzRSS and it works great. Just nice to have the RSS in my tools rather than going to another site. Like Bloglines, it keeps track of what I’ve read and what I haven’t. It gives me categories. The only advantage I see to bloglines is that you can have a category with multiple RSS feeds and when you click on the category, it lists all the feeds. This Wizz RSS reader requires that you click on one feed at a time.
An advantage to Wizz RSS is that you can click on your feeds on the left in your tools and it opens the link in your browser window (rather than spawning a new window like bloglines.
The final advantage, you can export your RSS feed structure to another reader or import from another reader. You’re not tied to it when you’ve spent time organizing your feeds.
1 Comment so far
Since ver. 1.0.6 Wizz RSS allows you to optionally read all channels when clicking a category.